Welcome back!

I am writing this message on the morning of the first day of school. What a joy to live a life where I have had 52 great first days of school – and I’m looking forward to even more. The first day is special because we are at our peak of hope! We can all look ahead with a sense of optimism that we can be our best selves, and live into our best lives.

That is our pledge at MOC-Floyd Valley. We will do our very best to see and treat all of our students as their best selves. We will challenge them, support them, stretch them, and encourage them. We will do our best to live up to the three quotes I referenced in my first visit with staff this year.

1) We will “be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Mahatma Ghandi)

  • We wish for a positive, growth-focused, challenging, nurturing MOC-Floyd Valley.

2) We will “never, never, never give up!” (Winston Churchill)

  • We will do whatever it takes to fulfill our mission and foster excellence, learning, and civic responsibility.

3) We are “all for one and one for all.” (The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas)

  • We are all in this together and having a mindset where we rely on, challenge and support each other increases the chances of everyone reaching their            potential – and enjoying meaningful relationships along the way.

As we map out the year, our foci are very similar to years past – and very much on target.   They are:

We stretch and learn through relevant, important activities, productive struggle, and appropriate levels of support.

Climate & Culture to Support Learning
We will cultivate and nurture a positive culture and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Social & Emotional Well-Being to Support Learning
We will strive to address the social and emotional needs of students and staff so that everyone feels a sense of belonging at MOC-FV, and is able to learn and grow in a safe, supportive environment.

Safety to Support Learning
We will insure that our facilities and processes optimize the safety of students, staff, and visitors at all times.

Technology to Support Learning
We will utilize technology to deepen learning, increase connection with the world, and prepare our students for a future saturated with technology.

Communication to Support Learning
We will communicate with parents and others in a mission-focused, positive, productive manner.

Facilities & Resources to Support Learning
We will develop and maintain our facilities and resources with an emphasis on positively impacting student learning.

I am extremely confident that as we work together, stretch and learn, and strive to meet the needs of every individual, our students will have a remarkable school year and receive an outstanding education. I look forward to the journey ahead, and I am thankful to be making it with the students, families and educators of MOC-Floyd Valley!

With Gratitude and Respect,

Russ Adams, Superintendent