High School Goals

  1. We will dedicate professional development time to the following: - Successful implementation of previously designed "gold-seal lessons" - Development and use of formative and summative assessments that guide instruction of essential learnings and accurately measure student attainment of essential learnings. Assessments will be developed with consideration given to the R & R Framework.
  2. We will emphasize student safety and concern so that all students feel safe and are not bullied or harassed.
  3. We will increase overall student performance on all ITED tests for all grades. We will re-examine our test administration practices.

Belief Statements and Core Values!

We will show a genuine interest in and sensitivity towards others.

We will work together in partnership - school, families and communities.

Work Ethic
We will demonstrate diligence and perseverance to achieve our personal best.

We will be accountable for our actions and choices both individually and collectively

We will recognize and honor the intrinsic worth of others as well as ourselves while valuing property and belongings

We will expect, strive for and encourage the highest level of achievement

We will consistently reflect honesty and high moral character