MOC-FV Foundation

A Commitment to Excellence in Education

The purpose of the MOC-Floyd Valley Foundation is to provide exceptional educational and extracurricular opportunities for our students. We do this through investing your gifts and resources in the support and development of programs, facilities and services throughout the entire MOC-Floyd Valley Community School District.

Foundation Funding Considered For:
  • Scholarships for our graduates
  • Capital improvements
  • Technology & furnishings
  • Fine arts and athletic equipment
  • Staff incentive & enhancement programs
  • Collaborative community projects that benefit MOC-FV
Foundation Membership

As alumni, please consider that you are personally contributing to all of the foundation projects and scholarships when you purchase a membership. When you make your tax-deductible contribution, you are investing in the future. Click Here for the Foundation Membership Form

Annual membership fees are:
– $25.00 or less for the White Club
– $50.00 for the Silver Club
– $100.00 or more for the Purple Club

Ways to Invest

Cash – Checks can made out to MOC-FV Foundation Treasurer, PO Box 257, Orange City, IA 51041

Securities – Gifts of appreciated stock. Ask your broker how.

Real Estate – Gifts of farmland or other property

Life Insurance – Naming MOC-FV Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

Gifts in Kind – Contribute merchandise and/or services from your home or business that may benefit the district.

Matching Gifts – Many companies will match your charitable gifts. Ask your HR department at work.

Memorials – Directing memorial gifts in honor of your loved ones in support of MOC-FV.

Deferred Gifts – Have you considered designating a percentage of your estate in support of the MOC-FV Foundation?

Contact Mike Mulder at 712-737-4873 if you have questions or interest in giving to our Foundation.

THANK YOU for supporting the students & staff of MOC-Floyd Valley Community Schools

Areas that may be addressed with Foundation Funds

Capital Improvements – Assistance to Needy Students

Support of School Related Activities, both academic and extra-curricular

Scholarships for Graduates – Computer Lab Additions – Library Furnishings

Equipment for Music and Drama – Athletic Equipment/Facilities

Staff Incentive/Enhancement Programs – Educational Program Flexibility

Community Projects which Provide Mutual Benefits for MOC-Floyd Valley

Gifts of any amount are greatly appreciated and individual gifts will have a tremendous impact on the school’s programs. Individuals may designate funds for use in any specific area they desire.