Middle School Assignments

No School, February 17, 2025
Day 4, February 18, 2025
8th Grade Assignments
(NOTE: no spelling / vocab. this week)
Planners, agenda, objectives (What is the value in analyzing / evaluating the TRUTH vs. what is found in a play or movie BASED on a true story?)
Return and file / record Anne Frank response writing
Visual check / print and collect
Post-movie analysis
post -movie viewing questions
Review the Packet: What motivates screenwriters (movie script writers) or playwrights (play writers) to change a true story?
REVIEW article: write down the motives!
Go over reading summary add to list of motives
Taking YOUR answers and NOTES from watching the movie, pick YOUR FOUR biggest, major differences you saw. In GC find the posted assignment: Movie Scene changes and Motives 2025. Complete this document and print it.
Complete and print the movie scene change / motive assignment for Tuesday.
Bell-ringer: Hand back Amendments Quizzes; Bell-ringer handout: Pt. I: Checks and Balances scenarios (project onto board); Bell-ringer correct: Pt. II: Duties and Responsibilities
check in vocab. 14-28 and second half of packet
Activities: Large group discussion of duties versus responsibilities while students complete pg. 11 “Duties and Responsibilities” section of packet; Relay Race Review in teams of 3-4 students
Assignment: Study for tomorrow’s test! (Packet, Quizlets, etc.)
BELL RINGER: Turn in notes sheets to be checked; TAKE TIME FOR TEN!
Pass back notes sheets
Introduce two Holocaust novels: The Bicycle Spy by Yona Zeldis McDonough and Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Independent Reading 20 minutes for Wednesday.
Unit 4 Lesson 13
SCI English
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Literature
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Math
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Bellringer: Recap after 3-day weekend
Go through new standard
What do we know? What labs/activities have you done?
Video clip
Intro to waves: slides and notes
7th Grade Assignments
No spelling this week.
Bell ringer—review parts of a quote sandwich
Argue Essay Body
Topic sentences of body paragraphs
Quote sandwiches within each body paragraph
Examples of body paragraphs
Assign: Argue Essay Body Paragraphs Prewrite (GC) due tomorrow
Bell Ringer: google classroom question
Activity: Norman Borlaug video - EdPuzzle.
Homework:EdPuzzle Video and Questions.
Objective: Build reading comprehension through building vocabulary and read aloud.
Connections to our World Lesson
Start chapter 10 of the City of Ember
Start chapter 10 Questions
Assignment: Bring Dystopian Novel to Class Tomorrow! - Make sure you have read the whole book!
No Assignment
Warm Up – Magnetism Review Stations
Electricity Lab
Station #1 – Class Demonstration
Rotate w/ Partner to Stations
No Assignment
6th Grade Assignments
finish, proofread, and print winter ISASP practice essay
take notes on characterization
making of Optimus Prime
Assignment: finish Optimus questions
Begin Group 6 Vocab
WAD #26 = input Word Parts = in, scrib, script
Read aloud Chasing the Falconers
Legends -- notes
Introduce Scope’s “The Legend of Robin Hood”
Assignment: Read 1/2 hour; Final draft of I Am poem due Wednesday
Lesson 5.1 (unit 5: lesson 1)
Assignment: Study Island #22
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Social Studies
BR: Today’s First Five
Activities: First Five, Print articles from last week, Lesson 1.5, Textbook Pg 216-217
Assignment: No Homework
Day 5, February 19, 2025
8th Grade Assignments
Planners, agenda, objectives (What is the value in analyzing / evaluating the TRUTH vs. what is found in a play or movie BASED on a true story?)
Explain how we will write the 5 paragraph essay (starting with paragraph 3 about the movie!)
Google Slideshow (in GC) --- Writing paragraph 3 compare / contrast analysis of Anne Frank’s TRUE story and the MOVIE version of her story.
Go over sample (filled in outline) in GC
Narrow your FOUR major differences to your TOP two with motives for tomorrow!
Have a CHARGED Chromebook AND your two major differences and motive from the movie contrasted to the TRUTH ready for writing your paragraph tomorrow!
Bell-ringer: clear desk and prepare for test
Activities: Students will take Constitution Test. When finished, they will view 1 or both of the prep videos for tomorrow’s trial simulation.
Assignment: Watch one or both of “iCivics Judicial Branch” videos to prep for tomorrow
BELL RINGER: Introduce three Holocaust novels: The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Answer the research big idea question
Create three reasons to help answer the big idea question. Type the three reasons into the Holocaust Speech to Inform Drafting Plan
Highlight notes from sources that would support the three reasons - use different colors for each.
Reasons to answer BIG IDEA
Students will continue working to highlight their notes into the 3 different categories.
Paraphrase highlighted notes into the Reasons section of the Holocaust Speech to Inform Drafting Plan
If completed early, begin working on the introduction on the Holocaust Speech to Inform Drafting Plan
Independent Reading 20 minutes.
All notes need to be highlighted by the end of class Thursday.
Complete paraphrasing notes for all three reasons for Friday.
Week #16 - Independent Reading Activity due tomorrow
Finish Unit 4 Lesson 13
Assign: Lesson 13 Practice Problems
SCI English
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Literature
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Math
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Bellringer: Warm-up #34
Intro to types of waves: slides and notes
Students will complete the check for understanding Google Form with their table partner - keep taking until you score 100%
7th Grade Assignments
Argue Essay Conclusion
Restatement and placement of thesis statement
Restate reasons in different wording
Assign: Argue Essay Conclusion Prewrite (GC) due Friday
Bell Ringer: google classroom question
Activity: Discuss Norman Borlaug video.
Mali country profile.
Read pages 16-21 - Case Study 2: Farming Mali’s Harsh Land.
Complete notes and review questions.
Homework: Farming Mali’s Harsh Land review questions.
Objective: Build reading comprehension through building vocabulary and read aloud.
Finish Chapter 10
Dystopian Novel Final Test
Type Answer
Return book when printing
Turn into tray when complete
Assignment: NA
No Assignment
Warm Up – Magnetism Review Stations
Electricity Lab
Station #13 – Class Demonstration
Rotate w/ Partner to Stations
No Assignment
6th Grade Assignments
No Red Ink- favorite character ever
writing workshop -- character prewriting
Assignment: prewriting sheet
WAD #27 – illuminate
Collect I Am poems
Read aloud from Chasing the Falconers
Scope “The Legend of Robin Hood”
- Begin reading Robin Hood (close questions while reading)
Assignment: Read 1/2 hour
Begin Lesson 5.2
Test Corrections
Assignment: SI #22
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Social Studies
BR: Today’s First Five
Activities: First Five, Lesson 1.5, Textbook Pg 216-217, Greek Trading Simulation Cards, Group Work
Assignment: No Homework
Day 6, February 20, 2025
8th Grade Assignments
Planners, agenda, objectives (What is the value in analyzing / evaluating the TRUTH vs. what is found in a play or movie BASED on a true story?)
In Google Classroom, open the SAMPLE outline created by the teacher and look at how it was completed.
In Google Classroom, open the Fill-in-the-blank outline for paragraph 3 (Anne Frank movie vs. the truth) WITH MOTIVES ~ Complete independently!
Workshop time to complete.
Take UCT grades
Completed outline AND copied / pasted paragraph (basically rough draft of paragraph 3 about the movie) of outline due tomorrow at start of class!
Bell-ringer: Make sure you have your charged Chromebooks!
Activities: Introduce “Supreme Decision: Student Free Speech”; assign roles, play intro video and discuss, review “facts of the case” and discuss; divide into groups and begin preparing for tomorrow’s live case
Assignment: prepare for tomorrow’s hearing; catch up on late work
BELL RINGER: Turn in Week #16 - Independent Reading Activity; Holocaust novel book talks with Mrs. De Zeeuw: Refugee by Alan Gratz and Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
How to write a thesis statement with Mr. Boone
Model example thesis statements
Students will write their own these statements using their own topic (subject) + big idea question (direction) + reasons
Independent Reading 20 minutes for Friday.
Have a thesis statement written for Friday.
Unit 4 Lesson 14
SCI English
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Literature
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Math
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Bellringer: Warm-up #35
Quick review and vocab
Intro to lab
Demo from teacher
Group assignments
Students will complete the Waves on a String Inquiry-based Lab with their group
7th Grade Assignments
Special schedule for 7th grade roller skating
Assign: Argue Essay Conclusion Prewrite (GC) due tomorrow
Bell Ringer: google classroom question
Homework:no assignment
Objective: Build reading comprehension through building vocabulary and read aloud.
No Assignment
No Health Class – Special Skating Schedule
6th Grade Assignments
tips for developing a character -- edpuzzle
overview of a character sketch
writing workshop -- character sketch
Assignment: character sketch due Monday
WAD #28 -- manuscript
Read aloud Chasing the Falconers
“The Legend of Robin Hood”
-Complete reading the play
-Begin Critical Thinking Questions w/partner
Assignment: Read 1/2 hour; Critical Thinking Questions due Monday
Complete Lesson 5.2
Assignment: SI #22
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Social Studies
BR: KET News Report
Activities: News Report, Worksheet, Lesson 2.3, Textbook Pg 222-223, Google Slides
Assignment: No Homework
Day 1, February 21, 2025
8th Grade Assignments
Planners, agenda, objectives (What is the value in analyzing / evaluating the TRUTH vs. what is found in a play or movie BASED on a true story?)
Check in completed outline / paragraph 3.
Revise / edit paragraph WITH handout ~ peer / adult / parent may assist
Be ready to submit final draft at the END of Monday’s class. (with rubric).
Be ready to print and turn in (with rubric) paragraph 3 by the end of class.
Bell-ringer: Make sure you have your charged Chromebooks!
Activities: Divide back up into groups and review before oral arguments; make oral arguments, judges make decision, large group debrief, student worktime to complete after activity reflection
Assignment: complete Supreme Decision review quiz (Mon.)
BELL RINGER: Pick up Week #17 - Independent Reading Activity
Introduce Week #17 - Independent Reading Activity
Introduce three Holocaust novels: Making Bombs for Hitler by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch, Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz, and Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Share your thesis statement rough draft with your partner.
Students will use the slides presentation in Google Classroom Holocaust Speech to Inform Research Unit - Introduction to begin writing their introductions. Introductions should be typed into the Holocaust Speech to Inform Drafting Plan. Remind students to use the gold “Some Ways to Write Introductions” reference sheet from your handouts section.
Independent Reading 40 minutes for Monday.
Introductions typed into Holocaust Speech to Inform Drafting Plan for Monday.
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI English
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Literature
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
SCI Math
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Bellringer: Gather materials and get with group
Students will complete the Waves on a String Inquiry-based Lab with their group
7th Grade Assignments
1:12 dismissal
Draft argue essay rough draft using prewrites—see assign. in GC for the rough draft document
Assign: Argue essay rough draft in GC due Monday—DO NOT PRINT IT.
Bell Ringer:
Activity: Review Case Study #2. Current Events.
Homework:no assignment
Objective: Build reading comprehension through building vocabulary and read aloud.
Take February Six Way Paragraph Test
Record your score in your binder
Complete February Week 3 Log
File away papers into portfolio
Finish Chapter 10 Questions in the City of Ember
Assignment: NA
No Assignment
Warm Up – Magnetism Review Stations
Electricity Lab
Rotate w/ Partner to Stations
No Assignment
6th Grade Assignments
share your opening line
writing workshop -- character sketch
Assignment: character sketch due Monday
Reading Workshop
-Hand in reading log and journal response
-6 Way Paragraph (#57 "Mosques")
-Critical Thinking Questions
-Focused & Sustained reading
Assignment: Read 1 hour, Six Way Paragraph due Tuesday, Critical Thinking Questions due Monday
Cool Downs 5.1 and 5.2
Assignment: SI #22
Assignments have not yet been posted for this class.
Social Studies
BR: Google Form BR
Activities: Google Form BR, Seterra Map Activities, Dum Dum competition
Assignment: No Homework