TAG Program

Vision Statement for TAG at MOC-Floyd Valley

To create a community that promotes academic enrichment as well as personal growth for high ability learners


To cultivate positive self-concepts

  • Utilize appropriate coping strategies in situations that involve varying levels of success or failure
  • Accept constructive criticism in a positive manner

To build critical, creative and evaluative thinking processes and skills

  • Apply appropriate organization strategies
  • Utilize and use analytical and logical thinking skills
  • Develop a variety of brainstorming skills
  • Employ problem solving strategies

To develop diplomacy skills

  • Willingly share ideas
  • Offer constructive criticism in a positive manner
  • Cultivate collaborative skills
  • Evaluate pros and cons of differing positions
  • Respectfully acknowledge differing opinions

To explore the diversity of academic disciplines through enrichment activities

To promote investigation of personal interest areas

High Achiever - Gifted Learner - Creative Thinker

Contact Info

Elementary & Middle School, contact Mrs. Amanda Van Kley
High School, contact Mrs. Marlene DeZeeuw